Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Parameters | Description | Type |
code | "0"means successful, others than 0 means failure, seeing Status Code description. | String |
msg | Failure reason description | String |
data | Paging data | JSONObject |
jobId | Group call task id | Integer |
taskName | Task name | String |
displayNum | Display number | String |
text | Voice text content | String |
status | Send status 0- Waiting for submission, 1 Calling, 2- Task completed, 3- Submission failed, 4, Task cancelled, 5, Task suspended | Integer |
rate | Call progress | String |
numCnt | Task number | Integer |
chargeLen | Billable hours | Integer |
success | Number of successes | Integer |
fail | Number of Failures | Integer |
toseatNum | Number of turn seats | Integer |
successRate | Success rate | String |
toseatNumRate | Transit rate | String |
sendTime | Timed Call time | LocalDateTime |
createdTime | Submission time | LocalDateTime |
mdfTime | Modify time | LocalDateTime |
appId | App id | String |
source | File source (1- uploaded file, 2- reuploaded voice file, 3- text-to-speech) | Integer |
voiceFileId | The path id of the file | String |
calloutRate | Outgoing call multiplier | Integer |
finishTime | Finish time | LocalDateTime |
keyFeedbackNum | Keystroke feedback number | Integer |
uploadName | Name of the original uploaded file | String |
baseFile | File contents | String |
callLossNum | Calllossnum | Integer |
callDuration | Call duration | Integer |
callLossNumRate | Calllossnumrate | String |
code | Country code | String |
maxCalls | Maximum call duration, with forced hang-ups n seconds after connection | Integer |
loopCount | Loop count, Default is 1 | Integer |
lan | Language | String |
allCallToseatNum | Number of all transfer seats | Integer |
callTotal | Total number of calls | Integer |
acd | Average call length | String |
sipGroupName | Transit Agent group | String |
receivedSeatNum | Total number of reception seats | Integer |
onineSeatNum | Onineseatnum | Integer |
maxRingingTime | Maximum ringing duration, default is 60, can be entered in 1-120 seconds | Integer |
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"jobId": 5000597,
"taskName": "123123",
"displayNum": null,
"text": "12312312",
"status": 2,
"rate": "100",
"numCnt": 1,
"chargeLen": 0,
"success": 0,
"fail": 1,
"toseatNum": 0,
"successRate": "0",
"toseatNumRate": "0",
"sendTime": "2024-06-04 14:17:53",
"createdTime": "2024-06-03 18:34:56",
"mdfTime": "2024-06-04 14:18:05",
"appId": "iaAJ6COV",
"source": 3,
"calloutRate": 0,
"finishTime": "2024-06-04 14:18:05",
"keyFeedbackNum": 0,
"callLossNum": 0,
"callDuration": 0,
"callLossNumRate": "0",
"voiceFileId": null,
"code": null,
"maxCalls": 40,
"loopCount": 1,
"lan": null,
"allCallToseatNum": 0,
"callTotal": 1,
"acd": "0s",
"sipGroupName": "",
"receivedSeatNum": 0,
"onineSeatNum": 0,
"uploadName": null,
"baseFile": null,
"maxRingingTime": 60
status | Description |
0 | success |
-1 | Authentication error |
-2 | Restricted IP access |
-16 | Timestamp expires |
-18 | Port program unusual |
-22 | Parameter exception |
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