Number Records are Actively Pushed

http push address specified by the user
After our operation personnel configure the https push address of the customer, the platform will actively push the number bill to the corresponding address of the customer. In general, the CDR information is pushed back to the specified address after the call is over. If HTTP 200 OK is received, the receipt push is accepted and the request is considered complete. If an HTTP ERROR message is received, the platform will push the request again every 30 minutes, up to 3 times.
Push Parameter Description
Parameters Description Type
callid Record unique identification String
number Number String
type Number type: MOBILE, FIXED String
caller Caller String
called Called String
ccode Called country code String
country Called country String
callSource Call source: 2- Incoming, 3- outgoing Integer
callDuration Call duration Integer
chargedDuration Billable hours Integer
startTime Call start time String
endTime End of call time String
pay Amount spent (quoted currency) Double
recordingFileId Recording file URL String
customerRate Rate (quoted currency) String
sipCode Hang-up reason status code String
hangupReason Hangup reason Description String
appId App ID String
chargedPeriod Charging period String
Push Sample
Request URL:
    http push address specified by the user
Request Method:
Request Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Request Body:
    "number": "915027021995",
    "ccode": "91",
    "country": "India",
    "startTime":"2024-01-01 09:00:00",
    "endTime":"2024-01-01 09:00:10",
    "sipCode": "20",
Response Parameters
Http response 200 is successful. The platform does not verify the response content.

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