Call Center Reports are Proactively Pushed


user configured HTTP push address

When the user configures the cc-http push address on the Account Management-Voice Application Management page, the platform will actively push the call records generated by the call center to the user's configured address. After our push fails, we will push again every 30 minutes, up to 3 times.
Push Parameters
Parameters Description Type
callId Call id, the return value of calling the phone interface can be associated with this value (only the call records generated by calling the phone interface have values) String
callSessionId Session id, record unique ID String
called Called number String
calledInfo Called information String
caller caller String
ccode Country code String
ccodeName Country Name String
agentName Agent name String
agentGroupName Agent group name String
agentAccount Agent Account String
callDuration Call duration (seconds) Int
callType Call type, 1-group call to agent, 2-incoming call, 3-outgoing call Int
hangupCode Sip code String
hangupReason Reason for hanging up, 0-outgoing call not answered, 1-outgoing call hung up, 2-transfer ringing and hanging up, 3-transfer successful hanging up, 4-call abnormality, 5-called operator has no service, 6- The called party is not in the service area, 7-the called party is busy, 8-the incoming call was not answered, 9-the incoming call was hung up Int
hangingDirection Hang up direction, 0-customer hangs up, 1-agent hangs up, 3-system hangs up Int
labels Tag Array[String]
baseCost Base Cost(USD) String
cost Cost USD(USD) String
remark Remark String
callStartTime Call start time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss String
answerTime Answering time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss String
callEndTime Call end time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss String
voiceUrl Recording URL String
Push Sample
Request URL:
    User configured http push address
Request Method:
Request Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Request Body:
    "answerTime":"2023-11-17 13:42:33",
    "callEndTime":"2023-11-17 13:42:48",
    "callStartTime":"2023-11-17 13:42:30",
        "Intended customers",
        "High level"

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